Climatic conditions have always influenced the development of plants - heat (ultra-violet rays), strong winds, temperatures drop overnight (cold morning, followed by a hot day). In such cases, plants need protection from moisture loss and energy, which has to be directed to the harvest.
SunGUARD protects culture from weather stress, improves sunguard Bulgaria 01.png photosynthesis, reducing energy losses and balances the physiological activity of plants.


Crops: all crops
Components: fat alcohols, supplemented by 24% water-soluble magnesium oxide
Packaging: 10 l


Leaflet: Icon download (2.2 MB)

Label:  Icon download (675.8 KB)



  • Effective protection of leaves from solar radiation (burns)
    Uniflor R produces thin transparent film after application. It reflects the sunrays, which heat the surface of the leaf, and reduces the risk of overheating and evaporation. At the same time, the film does not prevent photosynthesis. It is waterproof for 15 days approx.
  • Pore regulation
    Uniflor R regulates the opening and closing of pores at stress conditions which helps to minimize evaporation rate (35% to 40%) and keep moisture in the plant.
  • Slower cell aging 
    Uniflor R reduces extinction (hardening of the walls of cells), which occurs due to weather stress.